日期:2020-12-15 发布人: 来源: 阅读量:
优秀的译员不仅要把英文翻译为中文,还需要根据两种语言的思维方式和语言习惯,用合适的文字表达出来,下面新澳历史开奖最新结果 带给大家英语翻译中的翻译技巧:
Excellent translators should not only translate English into Chinese, but also express them in appropriate words according to the thinking mode and language habits of the two languages
Additional translation: in English translation, in order to more accurately express the meaning of the original text, sometimes need to add some words and phrases. For some passive voice structures, the subject should be added according to the context to make the sentence complete. There are more pronouns in English, so we often need to fill in the possessive pronouns in translation. Finally, it is to add some implied but not explicit words in the original text, or some general and explanatory words.
Translation: we sometimes change the part of speech, sentence pattern or voice of the original sentence in order to make the translation more consistent with the original meaning. For example, change a verb into a noun, or a predicate into a subject. There are also sentence patterns, such as the compound sentence into a coordinate sentence, the adverbial clause into an attributive clause and so on.
Disjunctive syntax and merging method: it decomposes a long and complex sentence into several simple short sentences, and vice versa. Especially for English to collect, there are more long sentences, so in English translation, we often use split syntax.
We know that English adverbials of time can be used before or after. Not only that, English is also very flexible in expressing the result, condition, explanation and other attributive clauses and adverbial clauses, which can be described first or later. However, Chinese expression is often carried out in the order of time or logic. Therefore, whether the translation is in order or not, it is to be consistent with Chinese habits. If the English expression is the same as that in Chinese, it should be translated in order, and the opposite should be translated in reverse.
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